Monday, May 10, 2010



A few days ago my neighbor snapped a couple of pictures of Mimi and I doing some homework in the front yard. I was laying out under my lovely orange tree listening to The Shins and Damien Rice while trying to understand my math. I find myself studying subjects I neither understand or am even interested in far too often.Remind me not to take Math and Science at the same time again. I wish I had a history or English class this quarter. Heck who am I kidding I would probably be complaining if I had any of those classes. But I really do enjoy history. It is by far my favorite subject and I have yet to take any history class this year.

Ugh...I'm just tired of school in general. I find myself daydreaming about summer on a daily basis. I'm dreaming of swimming and road trips/day trips.

Right now I am studying Biology. I'm trying not to think of the hundred other things that I need to do.I probably shouldn't be blogging...
Well here is one last picture.

Mimi makes me happy when I have to do lame things like homework.

Okay I must get back to biology. Goodnight

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