It’s funny how you quickly forget “home.” I mean I really don’t spend time thinking about what I have back home when I am running around England having a good old time. With the exception for my family and friends of course. But it’s almost like all that was “normal” in my life before I left has escaped from my memories. It’s not entirely gone but it isn’t as clear as it use to be. I can’t really describe it but all I can say is that you forget what home is like… I know this sounds really dramatic but I’m being entirely serious. I did not think it would take as little as ten weeks to make things that were part of your everyday life to seem so foggy. It wasn’t until I spent some time on the computer looking at my pictures from home that my mind was flooded with the sweetest memories of my family and life back home. How could I forget about the beautiful weather we have in Southern California? Or how lovely my sewing space is? I mean how could I forget how great it is to cook and bake in my kitchen? Or the way I lay out in my front yard with my sister and best friend? Those things seem so distant and far away. Goodness I am just amazed how unfamiliar these things become in a time span less than 3 months. It’s not till I think of little things like this that my heart feels with joy at thought of coming home. But honestly if I hadn’t looked at my photos those thoughts would not have popped into my mind and probably still be thinking about how I don’t want to go home. I mean I still long to stay in England and wish that the program I am in was a 30 week one but I am so excited to get to hug and kiss my familia.
Oh and can I just say it is hard to be away from your friends and family when you are a girl who needs lots of affection. I am a big time hugger. I really do need lots of hugs to get me through me day. My mother and father know this very well. Thank God I have Gaby to give me a good squeeze when I need it. I don’t know what I would do without her. It’s also lovely when I go to my small group, they are so sweet and affectionate and give me enough love to get me through the week.
I love that I am coming home just in time for the holidays. I mean, seriously, could the timing be any better? I don’t think so.
Anyways that what was on my mind today. I still cannot get over how blessed I am. I don’t think I will ever be able to. It is through him that I have been able to see the places I have from Florida to Samoa and England to France. It was all through him and my heart is filled with Joy because of it. All I can say is Thank you Lord, Thank you! Thank you for blessing me with a family who is not only financially supportive of my dreams but emotionally as well. This whole study abroad thing would not have happened without my parents love and support. I pray to God that I can use my blessings to be a blessing in others lives.
Woah this post is all over the place. I think this is why Im not the best writer. Haha. I never seem to stay on the same topic. I write the way I think and the way I think is pretty darn messy.
Well I leave you now dear friends.
I love you guys!
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