Saturday, September 25, 2010


What a wonderful day it was. My friends and I went to Abbey Road. If your a Beatles fan you now exactly what I am talking about. It's the road they took their cover picture for the Abbey Road album...

I have been listening to the Beatles since I was a little girl but my love for them exploded in juinor high. I remember solely listening to them all along our 12 hour drive to Oregon one year. They just never seem to get old. I know I will have Beatles Love Forever.

So I decided to write that down on the wall.

There were thousands of messages all along the Abbey Road wall.

Abbey Road

So this was our attempt at the walk. It was super hard because the people driving get really mad when pedestrians block the intersection. (as they should it must be really annoying having to drive cross the intersection when everone is trying to get pictures in the middle of the street) Luckily my camera has a sports mode so it can capture multiple pictures at once. So we just walked straight across hoping we would get a good one.

Oh and the coat I'm wearing is the one I told you I bought last week. It's my new favorite thing to wear!

Gaby and I on the bus for some lunch.

Well that was my memorable Beatles day! I loved it.


Anonymous said...

Esther!!! You are so cute!!! I am so glad you guys are having a great time. Love, Jessi

Amanda said...

So, fun!!! Miss you, but really glad you are having such a great time. Give Gaby a hug for us.

Anonymous said...

HOW FUN!!!! I love the picture of you guys walking across Abbey Road! PERFECT!!! You are adorable as ever!!! Have you seen the Queen yet?!?!? Prince William??? :) :) :)