Thursday, May 31, 2012

LIVING in Spain

You really feel like you are "living" somewhere when you start doing tasks like grocery shopping. Today I went to the market to buy a basket full of food for the next few days. It's so strange shopping in a country in which you barely speak the language. It can be frustrating and take a lot more time then it would have at home. I probably spent nearly 45 minutes trying to gather up the goods. Different language, different currency, different packaging. It was interesting and a good exercise for practicing my spanish.
The market is about a 15 minute walk so I have to take a cart when I am going to buy a lot. Ahhh please excuse my flat feet. My T-strap sandals only make them look wider. Probably not the best style for me but I love the color. Oh and you can see the tan I am getting from wearing my other sandals almost every day!
The woman I am working for wrote me a list and even drew some illustrations to help me out :)
After I loaded my "old lady cart" and headed home. Everyday is an adventure when you are in a foreign country!


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